Complex Problems & 持久的问题

First year students are invited to enroll in Boston College’s innovative, team-taught Core courses: Complex Problem and Enduring Question. 每门课都由来自不同院系的两名教员共同授课, 每一门课程都旨在让学生参与至关重要的主题的跨学科探索. These include areas such as ethics and engineering; race and violence; markets, cultures, and values; economics, law, and health policy; the value of freedom; psychological and literary perspectives of disability; and more.

复杂问题和持久问题课程将探究从课堂延伸到实验室, 反射会话, 与外部演讲者的对话, 还有校外实地考察, 为教师和学生创造密集的共享学习体验. 他们通过为学生的智力发展奠定基础并为他们做好准备,体现了电子游戏软件创新的核心教育方法, 有效的世界公民.

当你注册今年11月的春季课程时,你将有机会注册复杂问题和持久问题课程. 这两门课程都有六个学分,并满足大学核心课程的两个要求. 

Spring 2024 Complex Problems and 持久的问题 Courses


复杂问题课程是六学分的课程, team-taught by two professors from different disciplines. Students meet multiple days each week for lectures and once per week for lab. Students and faculty also gather for weekly Reflection sessions, 其中可能包括小组活动; guest speakers, 或者校外实地考察. Each paired Complex Problem course fulfills two Core requirements. Some may fill an additional Core requirement for Cultural Diversity, 通过任何一种差异, Justice and the Common Good (DJCG) or Engaging Difference and Justice (EDJ).

If you have any questions about these courses or how to register, e-mail

Faith, Ethics, and the Sciences in the 21st Century

Theo1723 + phil1723

▶ Fulfills 1 Theology (Christian Theology) + 1 Philosophy

Understanding and Protecting Our Oceans in the Wake of Global Change

Biol1706 + envs1705

▶ Fulfills 2 Natural Science + 1 Cultural Diversity Through EDJ


持久问题课程是由来自不同学科的教授讲授的两个相连的三学分课程. 同样的19名学生选修了这两门课. 一学期四次, students and faculty gather for Reflection sessions, 其中可能包括小组活动, guest speakers, 或者校外实地考察. Each pair of 持久的问题 courses fulfills two Core requirements. 有些人可能会通过差异来满足文化多样性的额外核心要求, Justice and the Common Good (DJCG) or Engaging Difference and Justice (EDJ).

If you have any questions about these courses or how to register, e-mail

Constructing Deviance: Madmen, Hysterics, and Criminals (GERM1701)
Constructing Deviance: Power, Control, Resistance (SOCY1710)

▶通过EDJ实现1文学+ 1文化多样性+ 1社会科学


▶ Fulfills 1 Social Science + 1 Cultural Diversity through EDJ

Life, Liberty, and Health: The Economics of Healthcare (ECON1702)
Life, Liberty, and Health: Policy, Politics, and Law (UNAS1702)

▶ Fulfills 1 Social Science + 1 History II + Cultural Diversity through EDJ

爱情、性别与婚姻:写作 & 改写传统(ENGL1704)
Love, Gender, and Marriage: The Western Literary Tradition (RLRL1701)

▶完成1写作+ 1文学

Making American Landscapes: Building and Living in Asian America (HIST1730)
Making American Landscapes: Geographies of Race, Place, and Power (ENVS1703)

▶完成1历史II + 1社会科学


▶满足1社会科学+ 1数学



▶完成1历史I + 1文学


▶完成1写作+ 1文学 + 1 Cultural Diversity through DJCG


Reflection is a central element of student formation at Boston College. 反思环节是设计复杂问题和持久问题课程的基本组成部分, 学生在课外有时间将课程材料与他们的整个自我联系起来. 在反思环节, 学生将课程材料的内容与他们在课堂之外的生活联系起来, 以及更大的大学社区. In this way, 反思与核心学习目标密切相关,该目标旨在教学生如何“审视自己的价值观和经历,并将所学知识与指导生活的原则相结合”.“反思课程可以为讨论课程内容的伦理含义提供一个空间,并可以帮助学生处理他们对困难课程材料的反应. Additionally, 反思为与电子游戏软件形成性经历相关的想法和实践提供了机会.

Faculty and student creativity flourish in Reflection sessions. Here are some examples of past Reflection activities:


  • A session on the Jesuit Examen led by someone from Mission and Ministry
  • A workshop teaching students about different meditative practices
  • A yoga workshop
  • 一个关于反思日志的研讨会
  • 电子媒体禁食,学生24小时不接触任何电子设备和媒体
  • Students practiced silence for increasingly long periods of time


  • 移民课程, 电子游戏正规平台人员向学生们展示了一系列年代久远的物品,并要求他们写下所选物品的历程. 然后,学生们分享了他们的故事,并讨论了他们自己的移民经历.
  • Course on gender, 学生们分成小组,根据杂志图片创作拼贴画,说明大众媒体在强化或挑战传统性别刻板印象方面的作用.
  • 书籍和媒体课程, 伯恩斯图书馆的管理员主持了一个课程,学生们扮演16世纪印刷厂学徒的角色,使用装订工具制作了一本牛皮纸小册子.
  • 气候变化课程, 学生参加世界粮食宴会,反思世界粮食问题.

Field trips:

  • Museum of Fine Arts to visit the new Islamic Arts exhibition to study maps
  • Mount Auburn Cemetery to consider the meaning of life and death
  • 在科德角海滩观察和比较原始和发达海岸海平面变化的迹象. 在教员家里吃晚餐
  • Walden Pond to reflect on the live experiences of Henry David Thoreau

Guest Speakers:

  • BC就业中心发言人讨论与课程相关的就业机会
  • 退伍军人小组讨论战争经历
  • Kwame Appiah lecturing on cosmopolitanism and the legacy of empires
  • 学生们参加了有关气候变化的环境电子游戏正规平台系列讲座

PODs (Purposeful Ongoing Discussion) in Complex Problem courses only

  • 反思模式:选择高年级学生作为学生发展计划的领导者,与学生小组会面,讨论如何适应BC的生活,并对课程材料进行反思. The POD mentors are trained and closely mentored by course instructors.

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